Neck pain physiotherapy just 499/-

Neck pain physiotherapy just 499/-

Neck physiotherapy, also known as cervical physiotherapy, is a form of physical therapy that focuses on the rehabilitation and management of pain and discomfort in the neck and upper back

Neck pain physiotherapy

Stretching is also an important part of neck physiotherapy. This can help patients learn how to move and position themselves in a way that will reduce stress on the neck and upper back.

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manual therapy is a hands-on approach that involves the physiotherapist using their hands to manipulate the soft tissues and joints in the neck. This may include techniques such as massage, mobilization, and manipulation. The goal of manual therapy is to reduce pain and stiffness, increase range of motion, and improve the function of the neck.Exercises are another important aspect of neck physiotherapy. These may include exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. The physiotherapist will tailor the exercises to the patient’s specific needs and goals. Common exercises include neck stretches, shoulder blade squeezes, and chin tucks.

Stretching is also an important part of neck physiotherapy. This can help patients learn how to move and position themselves in a way that will reduce stress on the neck and upper back.

Stretching is also an important part of neck physiotherapy. This can help patients learn how to move and position themselves in a way that will reduce stress on the neck and upper back

There are several physiotherapy treatment options for neck pain, including:

Manual therapy: This includes techniques such as mobilization, manipulation, and massage to help reduce pain and stiffness in the neck.

Exercise therapy: A physiotherapist can design an exercise program to help improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the neck and surrounding muscles.

Posture education: A physiotherapist can teach patients how to improve their posture to reduce strain on the neck.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and ultrasound therapy:

These are both forms of pain management that can help reduce pain and inflammation in the neck.

Dry needling, Acupuncture:

These are treatment options which involve the insertion of thin needles into the skin at specific points to relieve pain and muscle tension.It is important to note that the specific treatment plan will depend on the individual’s diagnosis and symptoms. A physiotherapist will be able to recommend the most appropriate treatment options for a patient’s specific case of neck pain.

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